Why Professional Pest Control Is A Must For Your South Carolina Businesses


South Carolina may be full of rich traditions and southern roots, but we also know how to move forward in today’s world. From the Upstate to the Low Country, and everywhere in between, plenty of South Carolina businesses are growing and adapting to the modern economy. Still, one classic business principle remains true: a bad reputation can ruin your business in a hurry.

Pest Problems: Bigger Than Ever

While pests, rodents, and other forms of wildlife have been damaging business reputations for hundreds of years, the problem is now worse than ever. The roaches aren’t any bigger than they used to be, and the raccoons aren’t any more invasive, but social media is. All it takes is one pest to show up in your business or facility, and your reputation can be ruined very quickly.

Remember, someone always has a camera ready, and someone is always looking to gain some attention on social media by exposing someone else. You don’t want to be the victim of a viral picture or video that even hints at your business being run with negligence.

Severe Health Hazards

As dangerous as social media is to your reputation, the pests can be just as dangerous to your customers and employees. Unfortunately, most of the common business invaders also carry the most diseases. Rodents are a prevalent issue for many businesses in our climate, from restaurants to retail, and they’re known to carry bacteria, rabies, fleas, and ticks to anything they come in contact with. Even their droppings are toxic.

Other wildlife like raccoons and squirrels can cause severe property damage to your storage areas, even damaging or eating inventory that isn’t properly stored. Along with financial loss, you’re also at risk for rabies incursion if you have rodents or wildlife nests in your facility.

Along with rodents and wildlife, you’ll also have roaches trying to invade your place of business. These small pests can easily squeeze into places like restaurant kitchens, factories, and hotels, creating a large health hazard for employees and customers alike. Roaches will spread dangerous bacteria around your facility, along with the secreting, of a pathogen that leaves a nasty smell and causes allergic reactions.

Another pest that can put your reputation in jeopardy is bed bugs. These tiny blood feeders can hitch a ride onto anything from luggage to customers or even secondhand furniture that could wind up in your business. Hotels and nursing homes can be put out of business by these fast-spreading infestations, but also everyone is at risk. Bed bugs don’t just invade places with beds, they also can inhabit any sort of furniture, from mattresses to couches to office chairs.

Serious Problems: Professional Solutions

Clearly, with your reputation and the health of your employees and customers on the line, pest prevention isn’t something to do haphazardly. The folks at The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. understand that you don’t want to spend a fortune to eliminate pests but at the same time, you need to safeguard your reputation. They can provide the professional commercial pest services you need at affordable prices.

From Integrated Pest Management Solutions and Green products to customizable pest control plans built specifically for your business,The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. professional pest technicians will come *to your facility at your convenience to review your potential weak spots and help you build a plan that will fit your needs. Don’t wait until after the pictures are on social media, contact The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

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