How To Keep Spiders Out Of Your Irmo Home


We all appreciate a beautifully spun web, but spiders in general? That's another story. But household spiders are beneficial; they prey on flies, roaches, and other indoor pests. In addition, most spiders are harmless to humans unless you encounter dangerous species like the black widow or the brown recluse spider. If you find spiders around your house and are unsure which one is dangerous, contact The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc., and work with masters in pest control in Irmo. Today, we will look at the common household spiders you can encounter, their dangers, and different ways of preventing these arachnids from nesting indoors.  

Common Types Of Spiders Found In Irmo

Let's begin by discussing the common house spiders, which include harmless and potentially dangerous ones, and how you can identify them. 

  • House Spiders: Often yellowish-brown (highly variable color range) with long legs and an elongated abdomen, you can find this species in closets, under furniture, in sheds, garages, and barns where food is easier to come by for them.
  • Black Widow Spiders: With a red hourglass shape on the underparts of their abdomen, these black and shiny arachnids seek secure, dry, and dark areas under decks, stones, and hollow tree stumps. Younger ones have an orange-and-white color, and they grow darker as they age.
  • Jumping Spiders: These are spiders that take on a compact shape with their short legs. In some instances, someone can mistake them for a black widow. They are black with a dense coating or brightly-colored hair. They tend to stay around windows and doors where insects frequent.
  • Long-bodied Cellar Spiders: Cellar spiders are small-bodied, light brown, or pale yellow, with long and thin legs. You can find them in highly humid areas like basements, warehouses, sink cabinets, and inside closets.
  • Brown Recluse Spiders: These are light or dark brown spiders with a dark brown violin mark on the back. These secretive spiders are common outdoors in woodpiles and debris. They can also move indoors and stay in attics and crawlspaces.
  • Wolf Spiders: Known for their pale markings and long, thin legs, this species is hairy and can spook someone. These spiders stay at the floor level under furniture or along walls. 

Most people prefer not to encounter spiders indoors, whether they find harmless house spiders or dangerous ones. Either way, most people want to get rid of spiders entirely or find ways to kill spiders. But how dangerous are some of these spiders?

Some Spiders Are More Dangerous Than Others

As we have seen, there are different spiders; some are harmless, and others are dangerous. The harmless ones include cellar spiders, wolf spiders, common house spiders, hobo spiders, sac spiders, and jumping spiders. The dangerous ones are the brown recluse and the black widow.

Brown recluse spiders produce necrotic venom, which kills living cells around the bite site, resulting in lesions and blisters. The venom from a brown recluse affects the body slowly, where reactions begin several hours or even days after the bite. On the other hand, the black widow rarely bites, even though they have fatal bites. Interestingly, a black widow's bite is not painful at first, but when the toxins set in, flu-like symptoms begin to emerge. Some severe reactions from their bites involve sweating, rigid muscles, intense pain, and patchy paralysis.

If you spot a spider and are unsure about its identification, it's a good idea to contact a trained expert to remove it and check your house for a spider infestation.

Five Eco-Friendly Spider Prevention Tips For Around Your Home

If spiders find their way to your house, it is because their prey is staying indoors. An increase in spider activity at your home may be because of flies, roaches, or ants. So, getting rid of their food source is the best way to prevent spiders from accessing your indoor space. Here are some of the tips you could use:

  1. Cover all the trash cans on your property at all times.
  2. Store food in airtight containers to prevent attracting ants, flies, or roaches.
  3. Seal all cracks and other potential entry points.
  4. Clear wood debris or clutter to avoid creating hiding spots for pests
  5. Use weather stripping to seal all the gaps in windowsills and door sweeps.

Eliminating other pests and ensuring that a professional pest control company regularly checks your home for any pests can limit any spider activity in your home.

Professional Pest Control Is A Great Spider Control Solution

If prevention does not work and you see an uptick in the number of spiders within your compound, it's time to contact The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. A professional exterminator provides treatment options for spider infestations while addressing the root cause of the pest problem. In addition, we can offer eco-friendly treatment methods that won't harm your pets or children, only the pests. So, give us a call today, and let us help you keep your property free from spiders.

There are different kinds of spiders like house spiders, black widow spiders, and wolf spiders. Some of them are dangerous, while others are harmless. If you want to prevent spiders from nesting in your home, it is important to prevent other pests from entering your home because they are spider food, which means spiders will move where their food sources go. So, if you discover that you have roaches, ants, and spiders all booking different sections of your house for nesting, contact The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, Inc. and get quality pest solutions that will eradicate all your pest problems. Contact us today and get the peace of mind you rightly deserve.

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