What Makes Yellow Jackets In South Carolina So Dangerous?

Stinging Insect

Bees can be bad enough for those with allergies or aversions to being stung, but there are far worse stinging pests out there to worry about than just bees. Wasps like yellow jackets are far more aggressive and territorial, meaning an infestation on your property can be far worse than other more docile insects. Learning how you can prevent yellow jacket nests from forming can help you stay protected.

Yellow Jackets & Other Wasps

Did you know the term “wasp” applies to a wide variety of stinging insects? This group includes honeybees and bumblebees, sure, but it also applies to hornets and yellow jackets. While all wasps can be beneficial to the environment as plant pollinators or hunters of harmful crop pests, nobody likes getting stung by them. Unlike bees, however, yellow jackets can sting numerous times without dying from the effort. That makes them far more aggressive toward people and pets that venture too close to their territory, plus it just generally makes them more harmful. Not only can people get seriously injured from multiple stings from a swarm, but those with allergies can have deadly reactions to their venom.

Yellow Jacket Prevention Tips

The best way to avoid getting stung is to make sure yellow jacket populations don’t form on your property in the first place. If you wait until a pest problem is already there before taking action, you won't be protected from stinging pests like yellow jackets. That’s why taking preventative steps, early and often, is the most responsible way to stay prepared.

Here are some steps you can take around your property to make it less attractive to yellow jackets hunting for insects or looking for a place to build their nests:

  • Landscaping: Bugs of all kinds prefer overgrown areas that provide plenty of surface areas to land on. Keeping grasses, shrubs, and trees well-trimmed will reduce these landing pads, not to mention decreasing shade cover for their nests.
  • Moisture control: Yellowjackets need water to survive, so standing puddles or moist areas of a lawn can attract them and other bugs. Drain these areas and make sure to remove unnecessary water features.
  • Pest prevention: Yellowjackets hunt other bugs, like caterpillars, so other nuisance insects in your yard can also attract them. That’s why overall pest control is the best way to avoid stinging wasps.

Choose Safe Solutions From Experts

Not only do you not want any yellow jackets buzzing around your property, you don’t want nests forming. A thriving population of wasps means that a swarm of stingers can quickly fall upon those who aren’t aware that a nest is nearby. Once yellow jackets build a nest, it can be incredibly difficult to get rid of it safely. If yellow jackets are already a problem, we recommend turning directly to the professionals trained to remove nests carefully. Even if stinging bugs haven’t moved onto your property yet, there are many reasons to act now for proper prevention.

At The Original Bugman Pest Elimination, our friendly staff can provide you with even more helpful tips for avoiding stings and keeping wasps off your property. Our inspections can help determine your risk level, giving you peace of mind that no nests are around. Whether you need safe, effective removal of nests or preventative lawn treatments that will ward off wasps and other invasive insects, only pros can assure safety.

Don’t risk an invasion of dangerous and territorial yellow jackets, call The Original Bugman Pest Elimination right away.

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